Due to recent and not so recent events I got inspired to write this poem. I am terribly saddened by all the violence, hate and inhumanity. We live in such an amazing world, too little appreciated. Our individuality is what make us special, beautiful and human. Different skin colours, sexual orientations and religions are just a part of this. Let´s take a moment to recapitulate this and maybe little by little we manage to make the world a little better.
The world we live in
Is this the world we live in?
There is so much going wrong, I do not know where to begin.
Why can we not learn from the past?
Why can we not make peace last?
How can one human being hate another?
Why would anybody even bother?
We are all human, we all should be free-
So why can we not make that happen, make it reality?
Wealth and power seem to overrule common sense and humanity;
making many seem to lose all sanity.
Globalisation was supposed to broaden our horizon and bring people globally closer together,
yet instead these days there seems to be more disparity than ever.
It´s not our fault the world is the way it is,
it is our fault though if it stays like this.
What we can do is what you may ask,
but finding this out is every individuals own task.
We all have different strengths we can bring to the table;
Yes individuality is more than a label.
Authorities try to push us into conformity,
try to make us believe that´s normality.
Let´s not settle, but fight for a better world with Open our Hearts,
Cause seeing the world with an open heart is where humanity starts.
Photo credit: Riccardof via www.flickr.com
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